LBAN Cloud Cost Optimizer

Lotus Beta Analytics

Maximize your cloud ROI with our Cloud Cost Optimization Service. We leverage Azure Advisor to analyze your usage and recommend cost-effective solutions, ensuring you only pay for what you need.

Optimize Your Cloud Expenses with Our Cloud Cost Optimization Service which leverages on Azure Advisor, Azure Monitor and other cost management tools to optimize your Azure cloud environment.

  1. Comprehensive Cost Analysis: -Perform detailed assessments of current cloud expenditure using Azure Advisor. -Identify areas of excessive spending and inefficiencies.

  2. Tailored Optimization Strategies: -Develop customized cost-saving plans tailored to specific business needs and cloud usage patterns. -Implement best practices for resource management and cost allocation.

  3. Automated Resource Management: -Utilize automated tools to manage and optimize cloud resources continuously. -Implement automated scaling, scheduling, and rightsizing of resources to match demand.

  4. Billing and Usage Monitoring: -Provide real-time monitoring and alerts for cloud usage and billing with Azure Monitor. -Generate detailed reports and dashboards to track spending trends and anomalies.

  5. Reserved Instances and Savings Plans: -Analyze usage patterns to recommend the optimal mix of reserved instances and savings plans. -Assist in purchasing and managing long-term commitments for substantial cost savings.

6-Waste Elimination: -Identify and eliminate unused or underutilized resources using insights from Azure Advisor and Azure resource metrics. -Implement policies for regular cleanup of orphaned storage, idle instances, and obsolete snapshots.

  1. Cost Governance and Policies: -Establish cost governance frameworks and policies to control and manage cloud spending. -Set up budget thresholds, cost allocation tags, and spend limits.

  2. Continuous Improvement: -Regularly review and update cost optimization strategies to adapt to changing business needs and cloud environments. -Stay updated with the latest Azure cloud cost management tools and techniques.

  3. Expert Support and Guidance: -Provide ongoing support from cloud cost management experts. -Conduct training sessions for internal teams to foster a cost-aware culture.

By leveraging our Cloud Cost Optimization Service, which includes the powerful tools like Azure Advisor and Azure Monitor, organizations can significantly reduce their cloud expenditures, enhance operational efficiency, and achieve a more predictable and manageable cloud budget.