Generative AI Accelerator

Lunavi, Inc.

Accelerate the use of Azure OpenAI into your buisness

The Generative AI Transformation Accelerator is Lunavi’s tailored solution designed to swiftly integrate Azure OpenAI capabilities into your business. Within a concentrated timeframe of 3-4 weeks, our specialists facilitate a strategic transition, leveraging AI to enhance your applications and operational workflows.

Week One: Discovery and Strategy Formation

Objective: Establish a foundational understanding of the client's business objectives, current technological landscape, and how Generative AI can enhance their capabilities. Activities: Conduct initial stakeholder interviews to understand business goals and challenges. Review existing data, applications, and workflows for AI readiness. Host a workshop to identify opportunities for AI integration. Formulate a strategic plan that aligns GenAI capabilities with business objectives.

Deliverables: A detailed report of business objectives and AI readiness. A strategic roadmap for GenAI adoption.

Week Two: GenAI Architectural Design Objective: Design a robust and scalable AI architecture that integrates with existing systems and Azure OpenAI services. Activities: Define technical requirements for GenAI integration. Design the system architecture with a focus on modularity and scalability. Select appropriate Azure OpenAI services and tools. Create a security and compliance plan for AI deployment.

Deliverables: Architectural blueprints and system design documents. A security and compliance strategy for AI deployment.

Week Three: POC Development & Execution Objective: Develop a Proof of Concept (POC) to demonstrate the value and capability of the GenAI implementation. Activities: Develop a POC using selected Azure OpenAI services. Integrate the POC with existing workflows for a real-world test. Collect and analyze data to measure POC effectiveness. Iterate on the POC based on feedback and performance data. Deliverables: A working GenAI-powered POC application or workflow. Performance metrics and analysis report of the POC.

Week Four: Performance Review and Scaling Strategy Objective: Evaluate the POC performance, forecast ROI, and create a plan for full-scale deployment. Activities: Conduct a comprehensive review of the POC's performance. Forecast ROI based on POC results and business impact analysis. Develop a comprehensive documentation package. Plan for scaling the solution, including resource allocation and timelines. Deliverables: ROI forecast report. Strategic scaling plan and implementation guide. Comprehensive documentation package for future reference.