- Consulting services
Surveyor 360 - Data Centre Migration Assessment - 2-wk assessment
Assessment of current as-is infrastructure and requirements, development of azure platform solution and associated business case to support migration.
Developed by Phoenix, Surveyor 360 acts as a starting point for getting relevant information about your environment - with minimum impact to your organisations network and environment. Surveyor 360 is made up of various modules giving you the option to choose and run each module separately or they can be combined into Surveyor 360 which would include all of the following modules:
Infrastructure Assessment Module This module is the core module of Surveyor 360. This is designed to gather information of your existing environment covering areas like physical servers, switches, networking, hyper visors, virtual machines, etc. This module is designed to understand your current as-is infrastructure, develop to-be azure architecture alongside associated costings and support with the development of your business case to enable your migration to azure.
The Infrastructure Assessment Module includes:
•Infrastructure Scan •Cloud - Equivalent Matching •Cloud - Best Matching •Workload Component Analysis •Storage, Security and SQL Analysis and Recommendations •Network Summary •Licensing Recommendations •Estate Analysis •Projected TCO •High Level Cloud Migration Strategy and Migration Roadmap