AnYong Database Encryption System


AnYong Database Encryption System


AnYoung Database Encryption System is a database leakage prevention product based on Searchable Encryption, Trusted Execution Environment and Transpar

Product Advantages

  • Based on TEE technology
    Key management and usage are restricted to within the TEE, and keys are not explicitly stored in memory to ensure key security.
  • Chip-level key security
    Based on chip-level key protection technology to ensure key security.
  • Efficient encrypted index
    Unique and engineering-proven searchable encryption technology ensures efficient indexing after encryption and solves industry pain points.
  • Independent key management
    Support software, cryptograph, encryption card and other key generation methods, encryption key independent generation, independent management.

Functional Features

  • Dynamic encryption and decryption
    Encryption and decryption to intelligent data stored in the database for automatic real-time flexible dynamic encryption and decryption, without human intervention, to fully realize the safe storage and safe use of data, to prevent the information involved in the confidentiality.
  • High Disaster Tolerance
    Supports dual-computer deployment of encryption system with master-slave mutual backup to prevent business loss caused by host failure, network failure and program failure. A series of reliability protection technologies, such as batch encryption and decryption, data verification protection, database operation status monitoring, pre-encryption verification, backup recovery, etc., ensure the security, reliability and recoverability of data encryption and decryption process.
  • Fully transparent access
    After encryption, it maintains full transparency to the outside world and supports operations such as query, insertion, update and deletion, and the application system does not need to be modified. No modification of client statement operation and application program is required; it is fully transparent to the application development interface; common third-party management tools can be used normally; and it is transparent to stored procedures and functions.
  • Independent Authority and Control
    Provide privilege control for encrypted data, restricting the addition, deletion, modification and checking operations of some users from the client's program, IP, time and day of the week in multiple dimensions to prevent the leakage of sensitive data. Provide automatic encryption/decryption and transparent access to authorized users without any perception, and provide third-party independent access control to unauthorized users independently of the database authority system.
  • Support for multiple data types and platforms
    It can support various database types such as Oracle, MySQL, PostgrelSQL, etc. and Linux operating system.

Applied value

  • Hacker-proof database dragging
    Through the database transparent encryption products to encrypt sensitive data storage, to ensure that others even if they get the data files, but also can not access sensitive information. It can effectively prevent hackers from utilizing database loopholes to attack and invade the database, and ultimately drag the database against the data in the database.
  • Prevention of unauthorized access
    Database maintenance personnel, who generally have DBA privileges, have access to all sensitive information in the database, which poses the risk of insider leakage and does not comply with security norms. Through independent and enhanced privilege control and separation of powers mechanism, it ensures that no user can access sensitive information in the database without obtaining ciphertext privileges.