A10 Thunder TPS VA for DDoS Protection

A10 Networks

A10 Thunder TPS VA for DDoS Protection

A10 Networks

A10 Thunder Threat Protection System (TPS) Virtual Appliance for DDoS Protection

Ensuring availability of business services requires organizations to rethink how to build scalable DDoS defenses that can surgically distinguish an attacker from a legitimate user.

New threat vectors have changed the breadth, intensity, and complexity of options available to attackers. Today’s attacks have evolved, and now include DDoS toolkits, weaponized IoT devices, online DDoS services, and more. Established solutions, which rely on ineffective signature-based IPS or only traffic rate-limiting, are no longer adequate.

Thunder TPS scales to defend against the DDoS of Things and traditional zombie botnets. This marketplace solution is focused on high-resolution packet-based DDoS detection via inline deployment in front of your protected Azure Virtual Networks. This deployment also achieves fastest time to mitigation against Layer 3 to 7 attacks.

A10 Networks is available when you need help most. A10 support provides 24x7x365 services, including the A10 DSIRT (DDoS Security Incident Response Team) to help you understand and respond to novel DDoS attacks.


• Comprehensive L3-7 protection against single-/multi-vector DDoS attacks
• Zero-day Automated Protection (ZAP): A10's industry-leading machine learning technology for identifying and mitigating DDoS attacks
• Automatic escalation/de-escalation of mitigation policy dramatically reduces the burden on operations teams
• Protocol-specific countermeasures to distinguish malicious from legitimate traffic
• Surgical per source/source-destination actions maximize availability while reducing false positives even when under attack
• High-performance, customizable filters using industry-standard regular expressions (PCRE) or Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF)
• Granular rate limiting for connections, connection rates, fragments, packets, bandwidth, and more
• Broad protocol coverage including protections for:
     ⁃ TCP
     ⁃ UDP
     ⁃ DNS
     ⁃ SIP
     ⁃ TLS
     ⁃ HTTP