RabbitMQ v3.13.3 on Ubuntu v20

Anarion Technologies

RabbitMQ v3.13.3 on Ubuntu v20

Anarion Technologies

Ready to use VM for Production + Free Support

RabbitMQ is an open-source message broker software that implements the Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP). It serves as an intermediary for messaging, facilitating communication between different applications, systems, or services. RabbitMQ ensures that messages are reliably transmitted from producers to consumers, decoupling the components and enabling them to operate independently and efficiently.

Core Concepts
  • Message Broker: RabbitMQ acts as a middleman that handles the sending and receiving of messages between producers (senders) and consumers (receivers).
  • Producers: Producers are applications or systems that send messages to RabbitMQ.
  • Consumers: Consumers are applications or systems that receive messages from RabbitMQ.
  • Queues: Queues are storage locations within RabbitMQ where messages wait until they are processed by consumers. Each message is delivered to only one consumer to ensure load distribution and parallel processing.
  • Virtual Hosts (vHosts): Virtual hosts provide a way to segregate different environments or applications within a single RabbitMQ instance. Each vHost can have its own set of queues, exchanges, and bindings.

How RabbitMQ Works
  • Message Production: Producers send messages to exchanges within RabbitMQ
  • Routing: Exchanges route the messages to appropriate queues based on bindings and routing keys.
  • Queuing: Messages are stored in queues until a consumer retrieves and processes them.
  • Consumption: Consumers connect to queues and retrieve messages for processing.
  • Acknowledgment: Consumers acknowledge message receipt and processing to RabbitMQ, ensuring messages are only removed from queues after successful processing.

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