Bazel on Ubuntu20.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Bazel on Ubuntu20.04

Apps4Rent LLC

Focus on innovation, not build complexities. Choose Bazel for a faster, more reliable, and efficient development experience.

Get started quickly with Bazel on Ubuntu20.04 on Azure Marketplace. Our pre-configured image provides a ready-to-use environment for building and testing your applications.

Bazel is a free and open-source software tool developed by Google specifically for automating the building and testing of software. It's known for its ability to handle large-scale, complex projects efficiently.

Think of Bazel as a powerful automation tool that streamlines the software development process, allowing developers to focus on innovation rather than managing intricate build complexities.

To verify that Bazel has been installed correctly, follow the below steps:

To check the installed version of Bazel: bazel --version

To check the location of installed Bazel: which bazel

Get Started with This Ready-To-Go Bazel installed on Ubuntu20.04

This readymade Bazel on Ubuntu20.04 offered by Apps4Rent takes away all the complexities in integration to Azure. All you need to do is just download the custom-built image and you are ready to go.

Easy Bazel on Ubuntu20.04 and Support by Azure Experts

 We at Apps4Rent helps you deploy Bazel across different OSes on Azure. Tested and supported by the Apps4rent engineers, by Azure cloud infrastructure precisely. In case you have any issues, our Azure experts are available 24/7 via phone, chat, and email. Get in touch today!

Disclaimer: Apps4Rent does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. The products come with open-source licenses.

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