Betimes Solutions Co.,Ltd.


Betimes Solutions Co.,Ltd.

Short-cut to the Legal Data Privacy Management

The universal consent for both cookies & services and data subject right management. Keep record of the activity processing. Notify the detect data breach. All feature is aline with PDPA Act and relevance. 

Why our PDPA : 
  • Global to Local
• Adopted technology practices from international privacy information management platform.
• Reference legal practices from UK Information Commissioner’s Office
• Implement core data set from ISO27560 (Draft)
  • Help visualized, organized and automated DPO task to comply with laws.
  • Certified Software Development Process with CMMI Level3 and ISO29110.
  • Preparing to Comply with Secondary Laws and ETDA Recommendation.
  • Advisor
• Legal Consultant
• Trusted Digital Services Consultant
• ISO 27001 & ISO 27701 Lead Implementer Certified

Consent Management : Notice and collect consent by JavaScript, API or Customization for your apps with multiple type of consent form such as Cookies, E-Services or documents that can map for each purpose with key feature as scan & categories/propose suggestion, blocking & control, record keeping & retention.

Data Subject Right Management : Give data subject access to request with online web forms that can be managed with our simple workflow to simplify the process and record the request.

Processing Activity Recorder : Configure PII Inventory and create data mapping to create record of processing activity.

Data Breach Notification and Incident Management : Monitor data breach with multiple source of intelligence to quickly response to any incident. Manage each incident with information. Control the incident with workflow to record every occurred