BEYABLE Product Recommendations


BEYABLE Product Recommendations


E-commerce product recommendations module

Welcome to the era of personalization!

Because your traffic is worth its weight in gold (acquisition costs are constantly increasing and online competition is getting tougher and tougher), BEYABLE, the French leader in website personalization, is committed to helping e-merchants maximize their profitability, thanks to a personalized product recommendation logic that has made platforms like Netflix, Spotify or Amazon successful.

BEYABLE's product recommendations allow you to personalize in real time the products that are displayed to your visitors on different locations of your website that we define together.

To calculate these recommendations, BEYABLE uses both algorithmic and statistical rules (best sellers, most attractive products, products frequently purchased together and many others) and business rules that you choose.
Our installation is done by integrating a JavaScript (10 lines) in your Tag Manager System or in your CMS. BEYABLE technology is added as an overlay to your site, so no development is required on your side.
A connection to your product feed may be necessary in order to enrich the algorithms or to implement specific functionalities such as pushing low stock alerts or proposing similar products in case of unavailability.

Here are some examples of product recommendations on different areas of your website:

> Home Page: We create a dynamic zone on the home page. The goal: to welcome your visitors with relevant content: up to +33% more conversions for websites that personalize the welcome of their visitors VS those that offer a static and undifferentiated welcome.
> Category page: Creation of an insert directly on the category page in order to work on your e-merchandising in a relevant way: +15 to 20% click rate
> Exit Intent: To retain your visitors who are intending to leave, we push them specific products directly in a popin: +7% visitor retention (Examples: product recomendation based on the "Google Shopping" campaign of arrival or on the basis of products similar to those consulted during the visit).
> Product page: Creation of a product recommendation slider on the product page. The goal: to make the visitor discover products from the same collection or propose bundles or set up a cross sell / upsell logic: +12% conversions
> Shopping cart page: Suggesting relevant products from the shopping cart page at the end of the visit increases the average shopping cart by +15% and limits the shopping cart abandonment rate by -9%. Example: logic of highlighting "checkout" products / highlighting "Best Sellers" products in the same universe or the most attractive products.

Technical information:

> Compatible with all CMS on the market (Magento, Shopify, Salesforce ...) even 100% custom sites
> JavaScript: BEYABLE technology is added as an overlay to your site, which does not require web development on your side.
> Quick installation and configuration: After validating your choice of zones to customize on your site, the installation and configuration are done in less than an hour
> A dedicated BEYABLE support: A BEYABLE project manager is dedicated to your site, from the implementation of the product recommendation zones to the implementation and maintenance of your scenarios.

Some key figures:

> A site that personalizes the visitor experience converts up to 3 times more
> An average of 5 seconds is the time it takes for a visitor to get an idea of your site
> 70% of shopping carts are abandoned on the desktop version, this figure rises to 97% on the mobile version