Canary Speech - Assessment and Data Validation POC

Canary Speech

Canary Speech - Assessment and Data Validation POC

Canary Speech

Leverage AI-driven vocal digital biomarkers for virtual health monitoring on conversational speech.

Canary Speech has simplified how people can monitor their health in a fast, non-invasive, and accurate way—through voice.

Canary Speech’s patented, revolutionary technology captures and processes 40 seconds of conversational speech to track the presence and severity of diseases, such as stress and mood. All completed in real-time, Canary Speech provides a Vocal Score that replaces subjective measurements with objective, actionable care solutions.

Used in virtual care and clinical settings

Individual engages on any smart device with real-time analysis

Cost Efficient
SaaS model with low monthly user fee

Unlocks disruptive speed of capture and analysis of actionable data for clinical teams