Cloud Direct Managed Deployment

Cloud Direct

Cloud Direct Managed Deployment

Cloud Direct

Provide™ users benefit from instant access to key resources, information, support and learning material from Cloud Direct. With our Managed Deployment service, we enable customers to provision services from Azure using Provide™.

All Cloud Direct customers get access to the Provide™ portal as their single-pane-of-glass for self-management. We’re talking everything from raising support tickets, to monitoring your Azure spend, to managing Microsoft 365 licences, and even finding tips on how to improve your security posture. What’s best is you can access it from any device in any location. We believe in giving our customers the confidence, knowledge, and resources to be self-sufficient. So think of our Provide™ Portal as your one-stop-shop for managing your IT services with us.

End-users can use the portal as a self-service ticketing tool, creating and monitoring 24/7 support requests. Administrators benefit from a rich experience where they can monitor and forecast Azure spend, add or remove Microsoft 365 licences as required, monitor security posture and support analytics, and manage finances from quotes to invoices.

Provide™ users benefit from instant access to key resources, information, support and learning material from Cloud Direct. With our Managed Deployment service, we enable customers to provision services from Azure using Provide™.