
Cloud Infrastructure Services


Cloud Infrastructure Services

LibreChat on Ubuntu 24.04. Ultimate AI chat platform running on Docker. Serves all AI Conversations in one place with a familiar ChatGPT interface.

LibreChat on Ubuntu 24.04

LibreChat is an enhanced, open-source ChatGPT clone that brings together the latest advancements in AI technology. It serves as a centralized hub for all your AI conversations, providing a familiar, user-friendly interface enriched with advanced features and customization capabilities.

Inspired by the familiar Chat GPT UI, LibreChat offers a clean and intuitive layout, making it easy for users to engage with AI assistants.

Libre Chat supports multimodal conversations, allowing you to upload and analyze images, chat with files, and leverage advanced agent capabilities powered by AI models like GPT-4 Claude and Gemini Vision.

Ultimate AI chat platform running on Docker Compose. This Web UI offers vast customization, supporting numerous AI providers, services, and integrations. Serves all AI Conversations in one place with a familiar interface, innovative enhancements, for as many users as you need.

LibreChat Features

  • UI matching ChatGPT, including Dark mode, Streaming, and latest updates
  • Multimodal Chat: Upload and analyze images, chat with files, and leverage advanced agents with tools and API actions
  • Multilingual UI: Support for multiple languages
  • AI model selection: OpenAI, Azure, Anthropic, Google, and more
  • Create, save, and share custom presets
  • Edit, resubmit, and continue messages with conversation branching
  • Export conversations in various formats (screenshots, markdown, text, JSON)
  • Search all messages and conversations
  • Plugin support for extended functionality (web access, image generation, etc.)
  • Multi-user support with secure authentication and moderation tools
  • Flexible deployment options (proxy, reverse proxy, Docker, and more)
  • LibreChat Documentation / Support

    Getting started documentation and support from: LibreChat on Azure

    Disclaimer: LibreChat is licensed under MIT license. No warrantee of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software. Use at your risk, responsibility for damages (if any) to anyone resulting from the use of this software rest entirely with the user. The author is not responsible for any damage that its use could cause.