Dedalus Command Center


Dedalus Command Center


The Dedalus Command Center is a centralized operations hub

The Dedalus Command Center is our centralized operations hub within a healthcare facility that utilizes technology, data analytics, and real-time information to optimize patient care delivery and operational efficiency. It serves as the epicenter for monitoring and coordinating various aspects of healthcare operations in real-time.

It provides a highly visual and dynamic view of hospital operations by using real-time data to drive efficiency improvements and applies AI/ML algorithms to alert opportunities for early intervention.

Our solution is a change enabler. Three core principles help drive this change:

• "You can't change what you can't measure": We recognize the importance of measuring relevant metrics to drive effective change.

• "Measure what you can today": We emphasize the significance of starting with the available data and metrics and refine over time.

• "Invest in Root Cause Analytics": We believe in conducting in-depth root cause analysis to identify the underlying causes of inefficiencies or issues.

The Dedalus Command Center provides several benefits to the care setting. For example, it will address the optimization of staff ratios by improving planning across the different services. In turn, this may increase capacity without the need for additional space and maximize employee productivity without excessive overtime.

The following list is not exhaustive but provides a few example benefits:

• Optimize OR schedules

• Improve patient flow

• Reduce wait lists

• Monitor extended length of stay

• Reduce hospital acquired infections

• Drive population health campaigns

The main capabilities of the Dedalus Command Center are:

Data Integration: Our command center integrates data from existing hospital data services, such as electronic health records, patient monitoring systems, admission and discharge data, and other operational data. By exploiting existing IT investments, this comprehensive data allows staff to have a holistic view of patient flow, resource utilization, and overall hospital operations.

Real-time Monitoring: It monitors key performance indicators, such as patient wait times, bed availability, emergency department occupancy, surgical schedules, hospital acquired infections and staffing levels, in real-time. This allows for proactive decision-making and rapid response to operational issues or bottlenecks.

Predictive Analytics: By utilizing advanced analytics and machine learning algorithms, our command center can forecast patient demand, predict resource needs, and identify potential operational challenges. This enables proactive planning and resource allocation to prevent issues and optimize efficiency.

Capacity Management: By continuously monitoring bed availability, patient flow, and discharge processes, the command center helps optimize capacity management within the hospital. It assists in identifying opportunities to reduce length of stay, streamline patient flow, and minimize delays in care.

Situational Awareness: In times of crisis or emergency situations, our command center acts as a central hub for coordinating emergency response efforts. It provides real-time situational awareness, communication channels, and decision support tools to efficiently manage resources and ensure patient safety.

Performance Improvement: The Dedalus command center serves as a platform for ongoing performance improvement initiatives. By analyzing data and identifying areas for improvement, it supports the implementation of evidence-based practices, streamlines workflows, and enhances operational efficiency.

Our platform provides a holistic view by orchestrating clinical and operational data resources (people, assets, equipment, building etc.) from emergency care, peri-operative care, in-patient management, out-of-hospital, and population management services-, whilst incorporating external environmental factors (weather, major incidents, SDOH, etc) to deliver the promise of personalized health experiences.