HPCBOX: HPC Cluster for SU2

Drizti Inc.

HPCBOX: HPC Cluster for SU2

Drizti Inc.

HPC Platform for SU2. Distributed parallel and hardware accelerated remote 3D graphics support.

HPCBOX provides intelligent workflow capability that lets you plug-in cloud infrastructure into your application pipeline giving fine grained control on your HPC cloud resources and applications. HPCBOX combines cloud infrastructure, applications and managed services to bring supercomputer technology to your personal computer.

Various applications which benefit from using HPC are available on the HPCBOX platform.

The following applies to this offering:

  • You must register and have your account activated on HPCBOX Portal (see links below). This will give you access to the latest version of HPCBOX-CONNECT-APP for accessing your HPCBOX cluster.
  • Version v7.0.5 Blackbird of SU2 is available on this cluster offering. SU2 can be used in distributed parallel mode over a high speed network and Gmsh,Paraview can use hardware accelerated remote graphics for 3D.
  • The HPC cluster can be scaled-out and scaled-in, on demand, as part of the engineering workflow.

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