EY Elementary

EY Global

EY Elementary

EY Global

A platform for intelligent asset management

Solution Overview:

EY Elementary is an end-to-end asset management solution which helps asset owners and operators to strategically assess asset performance and anticipate future requirements. The asset management solution reduces maintenance costs and improves asset utilization by offering rich insights to help optimize and prioritize maintenance activities. EY Elementary also offers a consolidated 360-degree view of assets to different stakeholders across the asset landscape —  allowing them to seamlessly harness, strategize, optimize, share asset data and improve decision making.

Solution Benefits:

Increases longevity of your equipment and assets through better tracking and recording of assets throughout the asset life cycle

Reduces maintenance costs and improves asset utilization and efficiency by setting service schedules and reminders

Generates customized dashboards to visualize and better understand your asset data

Provides effective customer service processes and profitability by helping reduce equipment downtime and ensuring on-time delivery

Improves decision making with a 360-degree view of consolidated asset data

Offers instant access to real-time reports for asset maintenance, inspection and safety requirements

Deploys seamlessly across multiple devices and platforms

Incorporates geospatial features to help service geographically distributed assets

Supports mobile asset management across the entire life cycle of your physical assets