omnimedica histopath module

High-Tech Systems & Software SRL

omnimedica histopath module

High-Tech Systems & Software SRL

Medical module developed for and with pathologists

Medical module developed for and with pathologists
Our lab functionality goes beyond traditional procedures. It enables healthcare providers to streamline diagnostic processes, reduce waiting times, and enhance the accuracy of results. Patients benefit from quicker access to vital information about their health, allowing them to make informed decisions. The HistoPath module covers all IT processes related to pathology laboratory workflows, from the generation of a request to the release of the result. Screens are structured by areas of interest and the module automatically records all operations of a request in accordance with RENAR requirements.

Easy and intuitive operations
The addition of the received samples is done in a very easy way, allowing the completion of a minimum set of mandatory data, but providing extended sets of relevant options (diagnostic nomenclature, anatomical areas, etc.).
  • Offspring samples can be created from each added sample (based on the principle: fresh part -> blocks -> blades).
  • For each test, doctors can add tasks to assistants, which can be viewed in a special screen where their execution is also marked.
  • Validated samples activate the Histopathology Bulletin area, which allows the completion of medical information in the areas of interest.

Predefined areas and information templates
Each sample analyzed offers the possibility of completing some predefined fields, and for each field there are text formatting options similar to those offered by Microsoft Word. Usual information templates can be configured for any field in the bulletin that can be loaded quickly and modified/extended if necessary.
  • Macroscopic description
  • hematoxylin-eosin staining / optical microscopy
  • special staining /Giemsa, PAS, Perls, Weigertvan staining
  • Gieson, Fontana-Masson
  • Immunohistochemical examination
  • fluorescent light microscopy
  • Comments or special notes
  • Cytological examination
  • Diagnostic description

Dynamic forms: For investigations that have a regulated format of the result, dynamic forms can be configured that allow filling in and printing the data in the desired form, without affecting the general analysis report (for example: the form for Babes-Papanicolau)
Documents and images: The HistoPath module allows the use of photo/video cameras mounted on the microscope to capture and upload images on demand. Besides these, any other types of relevant files can also be manually uploaded here.
Evidence by drawing: Users have the possibility to highlight areas of interest by drawing directly on the captured images, which will be saved as copies of the original.
After highlighting, users can choose to include the image in the final analysis report or keep it in the database, without printing.

Extemporaneous examination in real time
After analyzing the received sample, the medical staff in the laboratory can highlight on the received picture the areas where the surgeon must intervene (cut) so as to achieve the best possible precision of the removed tissue. The marking on the picture will be visible in the operating room at the level of the sample sent.