Lyfe Digital Heart Care Program

Lupin Digital Health

Lyfe Digital Heart Care Program

Lupin Digital Health

Personalized Heart Rehabilitation Program for Patients

Lyfe is India’s first evidence-based personalized heart care program designed by leading cardiologists to help patients. Combining offline and online care, it aims to improve heart health and reduce the risk of recurrent cardiac events.

Why Your Patients Need a Holistic Heart Care Program:

Personalized Risk Management Plan: Tailored strategies to manage heart conditions effectively.

Continuous Visibility: Continuous monitoring of heart health, visibility to Monitoring.

Expert Guidance: Ongoing support from specialists to ensure adherence to care plans.

Emergency Protocols: Auto-triggered SOS and 24/7 ambulance services.

How Lyfe Benefits Your Patients:

Cardiologist Connectivity: Continuous communication with cardiologists, with real-time alerts for abnormal vitals.

Scheduled Tele-Consultations: Regularly planned virtual consultations with healthcare providers.

Advanced Monitoring Devices:

FDA/CE Approved Equipment: Includes BP monitors, activity trackers, glucometers, digital weighing scales, single-lead ECGs, and pulse oximeters.

Early Detection: Consistent monitoring to catch off-range vitals early, overseen by medical professionals.

Personalized Coaching & Support:

Health Coaching Team: Nutritionists and health coaches provide personalized diet and exercise plans.

Behavioral Change Support: Focused sessions to promote long-term health improvements based on individual lifestyles and preferences.

Dedicated Personal Care Manager:

Counseling and Technical Support: Assistance with technical issues and healthcare coordination.

Alert Management: Immediate action for out-of-range readings, coordinating with doctors and caregivers.

Service Coordination: Help with tele-consultations, medication orders, and lab tests.

Family Involvement:

Health Monitoring: Family members can monitor patient health and take preventive actions.

Emergency Response: Access to early detection systems and 24/7 ambulance services.

Discounted Medicine and Diagnostics:

Refill Services: Prescription medications and health supplements delivered automatically.

Discounted Lab Tests: Order medications and lab tests at reduced prices through the app.

Call to Action:

Experience the future of heart care with Lyfe Digital Heart Care Program. Reach out to us to start improving your patients’ heart health today.