Azure Optimise by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

Azure Optimise by Macquarie Cloud Services

Macquarie Cloud Services

The promises of the public cloud are real: speed of service delivery, flexibility to react to changing markets, & improved customer support or services. Unfortunately, operational challenges are real too. Azure Optimise from Macquarie Cloud can help.

You’ve launched your Azure environment, it’s going great, and then you crash out of orbit….If any of the questions below sound familiar, our Azure Optimise assessment can help. Once you accept our proposal and we conduct the assessment, we’ll present a detailed report with actionable recommendations and logical next steps.

Cost Visibility

  • I have no idea what changed since last month’s bill?
  • Am I going to blow my budget?
  • Why has my bill gone up?
  • How do I chargeback costs to my customers or projects?
  • What is my application costing me across all my subscriptions and teams?
  • Governance and Security

  • My cloud processes are not integrated into my business processes
  • I want to improve collaboration between my DevOps and Engineering teams - how?
  • I want to give my teams freedom within corporate guidelines- how?
  • Am I accidentally exposing data and services?
  • Cloud Optimisation

  • I want to cut down VM sprawl and run just enough to meet my needs & scale up just in time
  • I want to rightsize SQL databases, so I use just enough to meet my needs & scale up just in time
  • I want to identify infrastructure I am no longer using and automate remediation
  • Click on the Get it now button to find out how much you can save! Choose Azure Optimise as either

  • a single Professional Services assessment or
  • as an ongoing managed service, Azure Managed. You'll get the same great insight regularly, together with an operational team to make the recommendations real. After all, the only thing constant in the cloud is change, and staying across optimised operations is what we do. In fact, we've been doing it for 20 years.
  • Why Macquarie Cloud Services?

    We are the No. 1 managed cloud business in Australia & the country’s most-recommended secure cloud provider, with a world-class Net Promoter Score (NPS) of +85. Our years of relationship with Microsoft & our Advanced Specialization, Windows Server and SQL Server Migration to Azure provides deep expertise in installing, supplying & managing Azure solutions. Find out why our customers recommend us, by clicking on the Get it now button.