MATLAB Parallel Server (BYOL)


MATLAB Parallel Server (BYOL)


MATLAB® Parallel Server™ lets you scale MATLAB programs and Simulink® simulations.

Use the MATLAB® Parallel Server™ (BYOL) for Azure Marketplace software plans to easily scale your MATLAB programs and Simulink® simulations on Azure®. The flexibility of Azure infrastructure combined with MATLAB Parallel Server enables you to scale your computation to the right size cluster at the right time.

These software plans for Azure, developed by MathWorks® for Azure, incorporate best practices to let you quickly create, configure, and deploy a cluster with MATLAB Parallel Server and MATLAB Job Scheduler, the MATLAB optimized scheduler provided with MATLAB Parallel Server. MathWorks provides Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates that use preconfigured virtual machines to create the required cluster infrastructure. This means you can configure the infrastructure and software quickly.

MATLAB Parallel Server lets you scale MATLAB programs and Simulink simulations to cloud clusters. You can prototype your programs and simulations on the MATLAB desktop and then run them on the cloud without recoding.

You can run your programs and simulations interactively, or as batch jobs. Run many calculations at once, or distribute large computations across the cluster.

This bring-your-own-license (BYOL) software plan uses your existing license for MATLAB Parallel Server. If you do not have a license, contact your MathWorks Sales representative or request a trial license.


Select the software plan for your MATLAB version and click Create to configure the template. For more information on the configuration options, see Run MATLAB Parallel Server on Azure.


To learn more about running MathWorks products in Azure, see Use MATLAB in the Cloud. For technical support or to provide feedback, contact the MathWorks Support Team.


This offering comprises commercial software products and services and related materials of The MathWorks, Inc. (“MathWorks Programs”). MathWorks Programs are separately licensed under the MathWorks Software License Agreement, available in the desktop installation or virtual machine image of the MathWorks Programs.


MathWorks products in the Cloud

Get Started with MATLAB - MathWorks

MATLAB Parallel Server on Azure


Copyright 2018-2024 The MathWorks, Inc.
