Olympus (IoT Accelerator Engine)

Mesh Systems

Olympus (IoT Accelerator Engine)

Mesh Systems

Kickstart your Connected Journey, Unlock Insights in Under 30 Days

Mesh Systems' IoT Solution Accelerator leverages a Rapid Minimum Viable Product (MVP) development process that enables a faster time to value without high upfront costs. Developing and operating connected products or processes requires expertise across numerous disciplines. This complexity can often lead organizations to lengthen timelines, increase costs, or even cause the entire initiative to screech to a halt.

IoT Solution Accelerator is built upon a repeatable cloud framework and enablement hardware that removes those burdens by sprinting to valuable insights in under 30 days and at a fraction of the cost.

Key Benefits and Features Include:

Low Cost: Low or no upfront non-recurring engineering (NRE) costs.

Quick Time to Insights: Unlock insights in under 30 days. Connect your product or process, realize business value.

Built for Scale: Test your value proposition, then scale the initiative to full commercialization.

Measure Value and Iterate: Nothing is ever perfect. Mesh works with each customer to move fast and iterate to build the IoT solution that meets your exact needs.