Shop Local Digital Platform

Meylah Corporation

Shop Local Digital Platform

Meylah Corporation

An economic development platform to build hyper local community marketplaces.

Survive, revive, and thrive together. Strengthen Local Economies via Community Commerce!

Main Street has long been a cornerstone of economic growth, and it’s time to extend this legacy into the digital age. The Shop Local Digital Platform unites community organizations, harnessing collective strength for sustainable success and growth. This platform isn’t just a tool; it’s a revolution, enabling scalable economic prosperity and opening new revenue channels. Join the digital transformation and be part of crafting a flourishing economic future for our communities.

You have the power to create a digital economy and community safety net.

It’s no secret that our businesses are challenged online in being discovered and to acquire customers. They do not have enough resources or talent to compete with large brands online to show up where they need to show up. The model has to change and community organizations who are promote local businesses have the brand, trust and reach in communities can now take advantage with Shop Local Digital. The power of collective strength combined with brand and reach of these organizations such as Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Associations, Destination Marketing Organizations and other business member organizations can now launch their own branded hyper-local marketplaces in days. These hyper-local marketplaces are that superpower that will revitalize, revive local economy and create a thriving local economy.


1. Create new value for your members with economic access.

2. Easily create visibility in your community for your members and their special offers.

3. Engage community with relevant content throughout the year with special campaigns.

4. Build a prosperous virtual economy that is inclusive of all businesses.

5. Experience member growth and increase profitability.


1. Leverage community organization brand and attract new customers.

2. Reduce marketing costs and customer acquisition costs.

3. Create and manage special offers that can be easily distributed.

4. Generate traffic and new revenue.

Now, you can create a vibrant, prosperous, and resilient virtual economy for all your local businesses using our “Shop Local Digital” economic development platform. For more information on how to launch your virtual economy today, contact Ram Dutt at