CentOS 7 LVM-partitioned packaged by ProComputers


CentOS 7 LVM-partitioned packaged by ProComputers


Minimal ready-to-use LVM-partitioned image. Functionally compatible with RHEL. Cloud-init included.

Minimal ready-to-use LVM-partitioned CentOS 7 Gold Image

CentOS is a Linux distribution that provides an open-source community-supported computing platform, functionally compatible with its upstream source, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

This is a minimal ready-to-use CentOS 7 Gold Image having the 30 GiB OS disk managed with LVM (Logical Volume Manager).

Mainly used as a common base system on top of which other appliances could be built and tested, it contains just enough packages to run within Azure, bring up an SSH Server and allow users to login.

Main highlights:

  • Functionally compatible with its upstream source, RHEL 7.
  • Azure Linux Agent and cloud-init are included.
  • Accelerated Networking is supported.
  • Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux) is enabled.
  • All security updates available at the release date are included.

Root login is disabled and only the user account specified at launch time is allowed to connect, preferably using ssh public key authentication.

Built using CentOS 7 'Minimal Install' group of packages and a single 30 GiB OS disk split like this:

  • /boot 512 MiB.
  • / (root) 4 GiB.
  • /tmp 2 GiB.
  • /usr 10 GiB.
  • /opt 2 GiB.
  • /home 2 GiB.
  • /var rest of the free space (9.5 GiB)

Other CentOS Linux images:

Other LVM-partitioned images:

Why choose ProComputers?

With over 10 years of experience working with Microsoft Azure, ProComputers provides open-source software bundled together into solutions ready to be launched on-demand in the cloud.

ProComputers is a proud sponsor of the AlmaLinux OS Foundation and the Rocky Enterprise Software Foundation.

Red Hat and CentOS are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. We are not affiliated with, endorsed by or sponsored by Red Hat or the CentOS Project.