Project Tools 1

Profecia IT

Project Tools 1

Profecia IT

An industry-leading suite of products for your digital transformation.

Project Tools hinges on four pillars:
Engaging with clients and service delivery recipients: Engage products were developed to drastically reduce the production time of your client-facing reporting and allow you to provide real value (and increased engagement) with your clients. They allow you to experience new ways of analysing enormous amounts of data your clients will upload. This will provide you fresh insights into your customer database. Engage products further provide new ways to read the data, identify risks, and provide a better level of service on a much larger scale than was previously possible.

Empowering employees: A key pillar for your digital transformation is the ability to empower your employees, providing tools and processes for greater collaboration, efficiency and insight. Empower products transform your internal-facing processes to drive efficiencies. They scale all the way from organisational focused tools down to individual focused tools. All data is collected and stored on the cloud for ease of access to stakeholders along the value chain. Empower products can transform your organisation and allow you to achieve consistent unqualified audits.

Optimising your organisation’s operations: Optimise products address having a transformed approach to your organisation’s operations. They are a cloud-based way of gathering project or asset data in real time and storing that data for remote access and analysis. Benefits of Optimise products include:
  • Live and real-time reporting on program and project status (during planning and implementation).
  • Centralized secure storage of data on the cloud (on Microsoft Azure servers) with remote access to authorized users.
  • Auto-generation of reports for effective and accurate reporting to National and Provincial Treasury.
  • All Optimise products adhere to National Treasury’s Infrastructure Delivery Management System (IDMS) standards

Overall digital transformation