



Watts is an AI-based energy platform to engage private households in their green transition efforts

Do you want to engage your customers in clean energy by providing proactive insights into consumption patterns and energy usage behavior?  


Clean energy for all Europeans: The greenest and cheapest energy is the one you don’t use.


Watts is a digital energy assistant built extensively on Azure PaaS services, including smart meter head-end integration, time series management, green energy forecasting (renewable production), day-ahead market prices, and more. 

The heart of the Watts offering is a detailed consumption forecasting engine based on AI. This engine utilizes several classes of machine learning models each optimized and trained on different household characteristics and consumption types. This provides the consumer with a groundbreaking level of insight into future energy behavior. 

The delivery platform is the Watts native apps on Google and Android. The app design philosophy can be regarded as an “energy fitness app” providing the customer with an easy-to-understand overview of the direction – both in terms of money and eco footprint. The Watts energy services can also be integrated into existing customer facing solutions through an extensive API and micro-services architecture.

Watts also includes the possibility for real time though integration with IoT devices and Azure IOT hub. . Additional value propositions are fuse protection, dynamic load balancing of smart EV charging, power quality alarms and solar production optimization.

Besides electricity Watts also supports water and heating support which provides the customer with even more value since it will be possible to balance future energy use to lower CO2 emissions.


The primary target group is private consumers and households. Watts addresses than customer pain of not knowing about excessive consumption before it is too late by providing proactive control. 

Our experience shows that the pain reliever is only the first step on the customer journey. When the customer gains the insight, she wants to do more, and the next questions arise – how can I move my household into a green future? What about self-production? Batteries, EV’s, heat pumps?