Customer-Facing Anti-Phishing

Segasec Labs LTD

Customer-Facing Anti-Phishing

Segasec Labs LTD

Segasec provides a solution for online fraud and customer-facing phishing

Segasec specializes in helping organizations mitigate the risk of their CUSTOMERS becoming victims of online fraud and phishing scams.

Segasec's patent-pending technology is providing early intelligence for upcoming scams, running quadrillions of targeted scans that identify even unknown attack patterns. Once those are identified, and before customers are being targeted, Segasec is working to confuse and defuse the attackers, taking down and blocking the compromised assets, and also deceiving the attackers to reduce the risk of exposing your customers’ personal information.

Segasec's solution requires zero onboarding and no integration, so companies can start getting protected immediately.