Telenet Tinx Smart Cities

Telenet BVBA

Telenet Tinx Smart Cities

Telenet BVBA

We enable the full potential of your city with one open standards platform connecting all your data.

Telenet Tinx: Smart Cities is a scalable and evolvable platform for smart cities that want to enable their full potential by building innovative solutions in order to improve citizen well-being and the decision making process.

In a Smart City ecosystem, the challenge lays in the variety of needs and problematic one city might have; thus, one vertical solution will be used bounded by the context of that specific problem to be solved. Therefore, this way of solving problems will add an overwhelmed complexity to the whole smart city solution since most of the verticals are vendor lock-in and do not offer cross integration out of the box.

Telenet Smart cities platform solves this problem with the following approach:

  •            Gather and integrate all the existing vertical solutions.
  •            Standardize the data schemes and protocols with open standards.
  •            Offer the tools to build cross and innovative solutions.

The platform is compliant with Smart Cities and IoT standards as Fiware and OneM2M. Moreover, the solution design is following EU guidelines & recommendations as the Open Agile Smart City and Open Data Chapter, the gathered data from the different sources is standardized according to standards data models to enable open data and ease the re-usability of developed solutions.

This application is available in [English].