Trac System Server on Windows Server 2012 DC

Tidal Media Inc

Trac System Server on Windows Server 2012 DC

Tidal Media Inc

Flexible and efficient issue-tracking and project management utility

Trac System Server on Windows Server 2012 DC

Trac is an open-source, web-based project management and bug-tracking tool. It is often used for software development and allows teams to track issues, bugs, and project enhancement requests. The platform integrates issue tracking with a Wiki and version control system, providing a collaborative environment for development teams.

Trac offers a robust issue-tracking system, allowing users to create, manage, and prioritize tasks, bugs, feature requests, and enhancements. Each issue can be assigned to team members, tagged with relevant labels, and tracked through its lifecycle.

Trac allows customization of workflows to adapt to different project methodologies or team preferences. Users can define custom issue statuses, transitions, and fields, tailoring the workflow to suit the project's specific needs.

Furthermore, Trac easily integrates with well-known version control systems like Git and Subversion (SVN). Developers may now directly attach code revisions, commits, and modifications to Trac reports or issues thanks to this integration. Better traceability and transparency are promoted by the ability of users to observe code modifications linked to particular concerns.

The main benefits:

  • Issue Tracking System
  • Version Control Integration
  • Customizable Workflow
  • User Access Control
  • Wiki Integration
  • Roadmap and Milestone Tracking
  • Plugin Architecture

Trac is favored by many development teams due to its simplicity, flexibility, and integration capabilities. Get our Trac System Server on Windows Server 2012 DC now!

Disclaimer: The respective trademarks mentioned in the offering are owned by the respective companies. We do not provide a commercial license for any of these products. Trac System Server is a complete and separate project from Tidal Media Inc.