



Step into Tomorrow's Cybersecurity - Leverage Human Risk Management

PhishGrid is an A.I.-powered phishing and social engineering attack simulation platform. It utilizes training data and public/social data of employees to create attack template & training materials using A.I. PhishGrid provides a comprehensive human risk management platform to organizations of all sectors and sizes. Organizations can effectively train their employees & clients by attacking them as an attacker would do.

With Phishgrid’s PhiSaaS (Phishing Simulation Service), you just need to share your employees information. We do the rest.

At very high-level we use our tools and techniques to deliver true phishing attack.

  • Organisation wide OSINT & Social Profiling
  • Preparing phishing attacks specific to organization’s infrastructure
  • Launching attacks based on OSINT and Social Profiling, Attacks are defined on individual basis. Just as an attacker would do.
  • Identifying human gaps organization wide.
  • Creating a organization specific awareness plan.
  • Educating employees.

Why Phishing Simulation by Phishgrid ?
  • We comply with the GDPR, ISO 27001, and other stringent data compliance standards. ​
  • Simple to use and can be deployed rapidly to assist firms teach their personnel to recognize and avoid phishing attempts
  • Highly effective in simulating real-world phishing attacks, making employees more aware of the types of threats they may encounter.
  • Adaptable, enabling firms to tailor the training to their own need.
  • Cost-effective, helping organizations save money on potential losses from phishing attacks.
  • 24/7 support to ensure that organizations can always get help when needed.

Platform Features
  • 500+ social engineering attack scenarios to choose from.
  • Industry updated phishing attacks that keep you aware of the threats and all-new threats at your disposal.
  • Real time visibility of campaign metrics
  • Customise everything and anything in awareness content & phishing campaigns
  • Reports with metrics, insights and analysis
  • Ability to create learner groups based on any criteria

Our Approach
Step 1: Import Targets
  • You may target any employee or employee group with a simulated spear phishing attack by simply adding their email addresses.
  • Once you’ve entered a recipient’s email address, you may categorize and classify them anyway you’d like: by department job title, or at random.
  • You have total control on who you phish, because we provide a phishing solution that is connected with our Information Security Awareness product – Awora, employees who are given a certain course can be instantly enrolled in a phishing campaign.
Step 2: Launch Campaigns
  • Our phishing simulator facilitates the creation of campaigns.
  • Once targets (employees) have been imported and phishing templates have been selected, a phishing campaign is launched.
  • Creating a new phishing campaign is quick and straightforward.
  • You just give the campaign a name and description, set start and end dates, choose your email message and landing page templates, and select your target audience (s).
  • Once implemented, campaign execution is automated and the results are immediately visible on the phishing dashboard.