Azure for Basic Tokiota environment: Azure Virtual Network for Azure Virtual Machine Production


Azure for Basic Tokiota environment: Azure Virtual Network for Azure Virtual Machine Production


Azure Infrastructure Deployment with Production and Development Subnets

Our proposed solution focuses on implementing a cloud network infrastructure in Microsoft Azure, designed to meet the needs of organizations requiring a clear separation between production and development environments. The Azure infrastructure deployed includes the following key components:

  1. Virtual Network (VNET): We will set up a Virtual Network (VNET) in Azure to create a logical and secure isolation of the network infrastructure. This VNET provides a robust foundation for connecting resources deployed in Azure.

  2. Production Subnet: Within the VNET, a subnet dedicated to production environments will be established. This subnet is designed to host critical services and applications that require high performance and availability. Resources within this subnet will be effectively protected and isolated.

  3. Development Subnet: Likewise, a subnet specific to development environments will be created. In this subnet, applications can be tested and developed, enabling development teams to work independently without impacting the stability of production systems.

  4. Production Virtual Machine: In the production subnet, a virtual machine (VM) will be deployed to host critical applications. This VM will be configured to have access through a public IP address, allowing for remote administration and access to services provided by this VM.

Key Advantages:

  • Effective Separation: The separation into production and development subnets ensures the integrity of critical systems and flexibility in developing and testing new functionalities.

  • Security: Azure's network infrastructure provides advanced security capabilities and access control to safeguard data and applications.

  • Elasticity: Azure enables vertical and horizontal scaling as needed, ensuring optimal performance in both production and development environments.

  • Global Connectivity: The public IP associated with the production virtual machine allows for global access to services, facilitating administration and availability of critical applications.