
Totalmobile Ltd


Totalmobile Ltd

Field Service Management solutions

Totalmobile provide a comprehensive field service management platform that empowers organisations to make work and the lives of their mobile workers better. We enable customers to achieve this by equipping field service workers with highly usable and integrated capabilities that simplify processes, solve operational challenges and deliver transformational value.

The complete range of field service solutions provided by the Totalmobile platform touches all stages of the field service process. This allows organisations to streamline and optimise each stage of service delivery by better managing their people, job demand, and the planning and delivery of work, all while continuously developing a detailed understanding of service performance.

The field service capabilities offered by the Totalmobile platform include:

· Mobile Working (Mobilise) – an easy-to-use mobile app designed for the specific needs of the mobile worker, enabling them to access and record all key information at the point of service

· Dynamic Scheduling (Optimise) – assigning required work to the resources available to ensure the efficient allocation of staff, while providing the ability to reassign work as changes occur over the course of the day

· Workforce Rostering (Organise) – a rostering solution that ensures the right number of staff, with the right skills are working the appropriate shifts to meet service demand, while providing staff with greater control over their shifts

· Job Management (Connect) – a vertical specific job management solution that provides greater visibility and control over all elements of required work

· Lone Worker Protection (Protect) – ensuring the safety and wellbeing of staff by providing all field workers (or any staff member) with the ability to call for emergency assistance or escalate a situation should they find themselves at risk or in danger

· Field Service Intelligence (Insight) – a complete intelligence solution that enables organisations to gain a full understanding of past, present and future service performance, with a specific focus on highlighting real time information that details the current status of service

The strength of the Totalmobile platform is proven to help field service organisations achieve significant outcomes across the most important of strategic objectives in areas such as; cost efficiency, workforce capacity, service compliance, ESG, customer satisfaction and staff engagement. Regularly our customers are reporting significant return of investments and benefits such as:

· Enabling 33% more jobs to be undertaken per day

· Cost Efficiencies – generation operational savings in the £millions

· Ensuring a 43% reduction in missed work and 100% adherence to processes

· Providing a 30% improvement across major customer satisfaction metrics

· Diving a 15% reduction in carbon emissions

· A reduction of 50% in staff attrition