Linux Stream Minimal with Mail Server Nginx

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Linux Stream Minimal with Mail Server Nginx

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Functional open-source web server instrument

Linux Stream Minimal with Mail Server Nginx

Nginx always takes a special place, among different server software utilities. That’s outstanding software that can significantly upgrade the efficiency of your server. It provides users with a vast of various features and can be used for different purposes.

Nginx is designed to handle high-traffic websites and web applications and is often used as a front-end proxy server to distribute incoming traffic across multiple back-end servers. It supports multiple protocols, including HTTP, HTTPS, SMTP, POP3, and IMAP, and can be used for a variety of tasks such as serving static content, caching, and SSL termination.

How does Nginx enhance the server’s operation? Nginx does not create one thread for each request but splits it into smaller threads called working connections. Each connection is processed separately, and after that, the final result is sent to a single structure. Nginx works faster with static content and is less demanding on server resources.

Nginx’s design architecture is better equipped to handle the load, it is much faster when it comes to serving static content. It performs 2.5 times faster than Apache according to different tests. With Nginx, you don’t have a lot of abilities to configure your server, nevertheless, the basic configuration is highly effective.

Consider trying our Linux Stream Minimal with Mail Server Nginx, and easily enhance the server operation.

Virtual Pulse is glad to provide you with a Linux Stream Minimal with Mail Server Nginx Image, fully pre-configured and cloud-hardened for outstanding work in Azure environments. Deploy and enjoy great functionality!

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Mail Server Nginx is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.