Ubuntu 18.04 with Webmin Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Ubuntu 18.04 with Webmin Server

Virtual Pulse S. R. O.

Robust and easy-to-use administration system

Ubuntu 18.04 with Webmin Server

Webmin Server is the definitive solution for streamlined and intuitive server administration. Designed to simplify complex server tasks, Webmin offers a user-friendly web-based interface that puts the power of server management directly into your hands.

Webmin is written in Perl and runs as its web server and process. By default, it communicates over TCP on ports 22 or 10000 and can be configured to use SSL if OpenSSL is installed with the Perl modules. Webmin allows for controlling many machines through a single interface or seamless login on other Webmin hosts on the same subnet or LAN.

Webmin has a short learning curve and is simple to use. The dashboard shows statistics for CPU, RAM, and storage space in easily readable charts. To discover the appropriate place to make the necessary modifications, use the search feature in the sidebar. To help you with any vision-related concerns you might have, there are even night mode and theme modification options. Additionally, a terminal is provided in case you need to perform any additional tasks that the web interface is unable to handle.

Manage your server from anywhere in the world. Webmin's remote management capabilities enable you to oversee your server's operations, troubleshoot issues, and make necessary adjustments, all from the convenience of your location.

Stay informed about your server's performance in real time. Webmin provides monitoring tools that allow you to track resource usage, identify bottlenecks, and optimize your server's efficiency for peak performance.

Deploy our Ubuntu 18.04 with Webmin Server today, and greatly speed up the system administration process.

Disclaimer:Virtual Pulse does not offer commercial licenses of any of the products mentioned above. Webmin is a registered trademark of respective companies. No warranty of any kind, express or implied, is included with this software.