



Secure ownCloud Hosting Solution on Azure

Embark on a secure and private file-sharing journey with our Azure-based ownCloud VM offering. Choose self-hosted convenience blended with cloud agility, and take control of your data management with ownCloud's intuitive functionalities. Your ownCloud instance is pre-configured for security, performance, and is complemented by a user-friendly web interface, making it an ideal solution for personal use or within your organization.

Alongside the core file sharing features, this VM offer includes Nginx and MariaDB server, eliminating the hassle of manual configuration. The optimized settings ensure a reliable performance that meets stringent security protocols, allowing you to focus on your productivity, not your platform.

Key Points:

  • Nginx is set up to handle web requests securely and efficiently.
  • PHPMyAdmin comes pre-installed for convenient database management.
  • SSL certificate installation simplified with Let's Encrypt, for secure web communication.

Important Notes:

  1. phpMyAdmin Port Restriction: We strongly advise against exposing port 8080 to the entire internet, as it is reserved for phpMyAdmin. Limit external access to maintain strict security over your database management tasks.

  2. Enable SSL for Secure Access: Secure your domain by issuing an SSL certificate with Let's Encrypt. Connect via SSH and execute: ($ sh ~/

    Do not forget to replace $fulldomain with your fully qualified domain name to establish a trustworthy and encrypted connection.

  3. Pre-configured Database Access: Your database is set to 'owncloud' with 'ownclouduser' as the username. Access the initial password with ease from the 'dbocpass' file located in the home directory once you SSH into the VM.

  4. Accessing phpMyAdmin Securely: To safely manage your ownCloud database via phpMyAdmin, establish an SSH tunnel by running: ($ ssh -L 8080: user@

    Replace user@ with your SSH username and the VM's public IP address. Access phpMyAdmin through your local machine at

Disclaimer: This ownCloud® offering uses the registered trademark owned by ownCloud GmbH or ownCloud, Inc. and is not affiliated nor endorsed by either entity. All rights to the trademark belong to their respective owners.

This description encompasses the essential aspects of the service and important instructions, ensuring that users are aware of how to access services securely and are informed of the trademark considerations.