Cloud optimization and security assessment - 10 days

ACA Group

Have an additional peace of mind with our Azure Audit. We meticulously assess your environment, ensuring safety and best practices alignment.

We offer a unique cloud experience for you and your team. Develop a sound cloud strategy together with you to ensure you get the maximum business value out of your investment. Elevate your environment, maximize your cloud investment, and set your business on a path to digital success.

Our expertise spans across various domains:

  • Azure Cloud Services: We assist in setting up, migrating, managing, and securing your Azure environment.
  • Kubernetes Services: We introduce Kubernetes into your organization securely and effectively, providing full support for the CNCF ecosystem.
  • DevOps Services: We help getting the most value from CICD, automatic pipelines and GitOps practices with Infrastructure as Code
  • Rancher Services: Whether you require Kubernetes OnPremise or multi-cluster management with Rancher, we can assist you.
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Our way of working:

  • Kick off meeting: Scope and objectives of the audit
  • Requirements and communication: Get a clear understanding of what the assessment is and how long it is going to take
  • Assessment: Leave no stone unturned, ensuring that your Azure Cloud setup is operating in the best way at its optimal capacity. Certified engineers dives deep into your infrastructure, workloads, and configurations, identifying potential improvements, security improvements and efficiency enhancements
  • Mid-term report: Halfway through we provide you with clear feedback on the current state of the assessment
  • Finetuning after feedback: After we've shared our information and concerns we will finetune the assessment to your wishes, focussing on output and next actions
  • Final report: We provide insightful recommendations and guide you towards the best practices for using and improving Azure's vast capabilities
  • Presentation and proposition of trainings: Management presentation designed to inform and summarise our findings

Pricing and duration of our offer may vary, depending on your Azure environment complexity and organization's specific needs or focus. For a customized pricing quote and to explore how we can address your requirements, kindly reach out to us for further details.

For more information about ACA Group and our cloud services. Please visit