Azure Cloud Optimization - Cloud Native Workshop

ACA Group

Empower your team with CNCF Azure Workshop! Dive into cloud-native technologies, Kubernetes, and Azure integration. Hands-on, expert-led learning.

Join us for an engaging, practical Cloud-Native Workshop on Azure, crafted to assist you in utilizing Azure's latest services and best practices methods for constructing, deploying, and overseeing cloud-native applications. Whether you're new to Azure or seeking to improve your expertise in cloud-native solutions, this workshop is designed to cater to your requirements.

Our expertise spans across various domains:

  • Azure Cloud: We assist in setting up, migrating, managing, and securing your Azure environment using a range of available services.
  • Container Services: We assist in adopting your applications to be run as containers (focus on environment variables, liveliness and readiness probes, health checks, application and container memory limits).
  • Kubernetes Services: Dive deep into Kubernetes, covering everything from permissions, probes, scalability, and deployment strategies to advanced topics like Flux and Sealed Secrets.
  • Rancher Services: Whether you require Kubernetes OnPremise or multi-cluster management with Rancher on Azure, we can assist you.
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Our key features:

  • Comprehensive Learning: Gain a deep understanding of cloud-native concepts, including containers, Kubernetes, serverless computing, microservices, and more. As part of our PoC offering, we'll guide you in building and deploying a cloud-native application using these technologies.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from Azure-certified instructors with real-world experience, including expert guidance on Flux for continuous deployment and sealed secrets for enhanced security.
  • Azure Integration: Discover how Azure services seamlessly integrate into cloud-native application development, ensuring both flexibility and scalability. We'll demonstrate DevOps for CI/CD pipelines and Azure Monitor for application insights and infrastructure monitoring.
  • Customizable: Tailor the workshop and PoC to your organization's specific needs, whether you're an enterprise or a startup. Let us know your unique goals and challenges, and we'll craft a tailored experience.
  • Flexibility: Choose from in-person, virtual, or on-demand workshop formats to suit your schedule and preferences. Our PoC will be conducted with your preferred Azure services and techniques in mind.
  • Pricing and duration of our offer may vary, depending on your Azure environment and organization's specific needs. For a customized pricing quote and to explore how we can address your permissions, probes, deployment, and scalability requirements, kindly reach out to us for further details.

For more information about ACA Group and our cloud services. Please visit