Adatis Database Administrator as a Service:1hr Briefing


The peace of mind of a modern DBA service operated by specialists

The Adatis Database Administrator as a Service (DBA as a Service) provides a comprehensive administration service for on-premises and cloud databases including Microsoft SQL Server and Azure SQL for a breadth of critical transactional and analytical workloads.

Whether you have a handful of critical operational databases or an entire enterprise estate, Adatis can operate as a complementary specialist service to an existing in-house capability or provide a full outsourced operation 24 hours, 7 days a week. Delivered in isolation or integrated into a wider Managed Service delivered by Adatis as a part of Telefónica Tech.

Our proactive monitoring focuses on:

  • Minimising costly disruptions to services and business critical processes.
  • Reducing operating costs by implementing optimal licensing and architecture, saving your organisation money.
  • Providing visibility of your estate and its performance with efficient management.
  • Reducing costly overheads and resourcing, enabling internal teams to leverage business knowledge for other valuable activities.

Adatis delivers a premium service to our clients by working closely from the outset to design this to meet your needs. This is instigated with our Pre-Onboarding Solution Review to fully assess and gain insight on your database estate including the health, its performance and how this is currently operated. We’ll also look for potential cost saving opportunities, and any remedial actions deemed necessary or recommended for the future. During this initial call, we will discuss your business challenges, your current database estate and future plans, and how the Adatis DBA as a Service can support you.