AI enabled Chatbot : 12 Month Implementation

Agile Applications

To deliver a Chatbot to a local govenment website to answer wuestions from the public 24/7/365

Agile Applications have experience of deploying the Azure bot framework for applications in local government. The AI-enable Azure chatbot is capable of understanding the user and answering questions instantaneously to reduce the number of enquiries that need to be responded to. The Azure bot framework uses QnA and Natural Language Processing (NLP) together to understand the question and provide the relevant response. Through use of decision trees the Chatbot can answer complex queries about the need for planning permission for example. Agile have worked with a number of English councils to deliver AI enabled chatbots to their website across a range of council services. Agile would deploy a chatbot to your council's website with a bespoke set of QnA for your area. For example we have a chatbot that can answer over 250 planning related queries and can pass the user off to the contact centre when required using Microsoft Teams. We would deliver this work as a work package over 10 days combining workshops and technical sessions to rapidly deploy the Microsoft chatbot. The Chatbot is hosted in Azure and drives channel shift from phone to Azure for members of the public. This initial rapid deployment will allow your council to make use of Microsoft’s latest technology and drive efficiencies in your service. Agile have worked with the London Borough of Redbridge and the Chatbot has saved Redbridge hours of officer time and a greater public experience.