Active Directory Assessment

AppWeb LLC

Dynapt offers a comprehensive evaluation of your Active Directory (AD) infrastructure for Azure Readiness with valuable insights and recommendations for a optimized and secured environment.

Dynapt offers a comprehensive evaluation of your Active Directory (AD) infrastructure for Azure Migration readiness. This assessment provides valuable insights and recommendations to optimize and secure your identity management and access control systems while you plan to migrate to Microsoft Azure. This assessment with it's recommendations also helps to create hybrid identity environment securely to cater to on-premise and Azure environment.

Key Features:

  1. Infrastructure Analysis: Our experts will conduct a thorough analysis of your existing Active Directory environment. This includes examining AD configuration, domain structure, group policies, replication, and trust relationships.

  2. Performance and Scalability Evaluation: Assess the performance and scalability of your AD infrastructure. Identify any bottlenecks, scalability limitations, or potential areas of improvement to ensure optimal performance as your organization grows.

  3. Security and Access Controls: Evaluate the security measures and access controls implemented within your Active Directory environment. Our specialists will assess user authentication protocols, password policies, group memberships, and permissions to identify any security vulnerabilities.

  4. Group Policy Assessment: Review and optimize your Group Policy Objects (GPOs) to ensure consistent and effective application of security policies, software distribution, and configuration settings across your organization.

  5. Identity and Access Management Best Practices: Identify areas where you can enhance your identity and access management practices. Our experts will provide recommendations to streamline user provisioning, improve password management, and implement multi-factor authentication for enhanced security.

  6. Compliance and Governance: Evaluate your Active Directory compliance with industry standards and regulatory requirements. Our assessment will help you identify any gaps and suggest remediation measures to ensure compliance and strengthen your governance framework.

  7. Documentation and Recommendations: Receive a comprehensive assessment report documenting the findings, recommendations, and best practices tailored to your Active Directory infrastructure. Leverage our expertise to implement the suggested improvements and optimize your identity infrastructure.