Azure driven ML & Data Science: 4 wk PoC


We will drive you through an AI Discovery and use case validation during an intensive 4 week collaboration. Starting with a Data Audit and the AI Project Canvas, to a PoC to confirm the value of AI.

Looking for a partner to guide you through your Azure AI journey? We've got you covered! Thanks to our vast experience with Azure AI, we're an ideal partner to kickstart your way into the modern, data-driven age.


  • Week 1 is focused on identifying use cases within your organization fit for an AI- or Data driven solution. We'll start with a kick-off session with your project owner to identify your mid-range strategic goals. Next, we'll work on Identifying AI-powered business cases with a focus on low risk, high value based on the outcomes of the kick-off session. After that our Data Scientists will dive deep into your data to perform a business-case oriented assessment of the required data sources, storage, management and integration. We'll end this week by drawing up a roadmap for future implementations and selecting a use case for the Proof of Concept.
  • Week 2 will start with a joint effort to create an AI Project Canvas for the selected use case. This exercise will help you get a clear vision of the necessary resources (data, skills, involved stakeholders, ...) and expected outcome (KPI's, success criteria, ...).
  • In the second half of Week 2, our Data Engineers and Data Scientists will start the set-up for our Proof of Concept. The goal is to create an Azure based architecture to allow for future AI experiments and implementations at scale.
  • During Week 3 and 4, we will work on the Proof of Concept with weekly stand-ups and a conclusive management presentation to go over the project results and validate our findings. The goal here is to create buy-in from the different stakeholders in your organization for a further roll-out of AI driven services and tools.


  • Data Audit report
  • Roadmap for future AI implementations
  • Technical Architecture
  • AI Project Canvas for the PoC
  • All code and documentation for the PoC
  • Estimate to scale the PoC to a production environment
  • Management presentation of the PoC results