HIGHLIGHTER: Transform with ML: 10 Wk PoC

Ascent Software (MT) Ltd

An actionable costed plan for 8-10 week Proof of Concept

Ascent’s Highlighter engagements are designed to get you moving by breaking down the ML challenge into small, digestible blocks that require minimal commitment. We help you set out technical principles for adoption that pave the way for larger scale transformation - then road-test them in a Proof of Concept to demonstrate effectiveness and value. Microsoft will review your potential funding options and align outputs to your wider strategy


1 hour high-level discovery call

2 hour User Groups & Principles workshop*

Actionable, costed plan for 8-10 week Proof of Concept

*Requires application & business process owners, technical lead, project sponsor


We use impact mapping to build a clear view of the relationships between your stakeholders, users, data and business objectives. We then use this framework to create an accessible technical plan for an ML Proof of Concept that clearly demonstrates ROI for your organisation.


Microsoft and Ascent help businesses apply ML techniques to drive successful automated interactions and enhanced decision-making with data. We’ll work with you to apply Azure ML services to your real world use cases, helping you get it right first time and rapidly unlock value for your business. Our Team focus on creating a differentiated vibrant ecosystem of experiences and customer interactions. We leverage cloud (Azure) capabilities and cognitive services that include text, speech and vision - pattern analysis, predictive modelling and prescriptive modelling.
