Data Warehouse Implementation - Azure Synapse


Transform with AVASOFT's Azure Synapse Analytics services. We set up a private environment, connect on-prem data, and use Azure DevOps for CI/CD, ensuring scalable data management.

Service Overview:

As a distinguished Azure Solution Partner, AVASOFT offers a specialized implementation package for Azure Synapse Analytics, tailored for organizations facing complex data and analytics challenges. We establish a private Azure Synapse infrastructure integrated with essential networking components to facilitate secure connections to on-premises data sources. Our service includes configuring Azure DevOps CI/CD pipelines to ensure consistent and reliable code deployment across environments, from development through to production, enhancing your DataOps capabilities.

Key Features:

  • Private Synapse Infrastructure Provisioning: Establish dedicated Synapse infrastructure tailored to your organization's needs, ensuring data security and compliance.
  • DevOps CI/CD Setup: Configure Azure DevOps Build and Release Pipelines to automate infrastructure deployment, ensuring consistency and efficiency in code promotion.
  • Streamlined Code Promotion: Facilitate seamless promotion of code from lower to higher environments, minimizing errors and accelerating application delivery.
  • Enhanced Productivity: Boost development and operations productivity with streamlined processes, enabling rapid iteration and deployment of updates.
  • Fully Managed Platform: Experience peace of mind with a fully managed platform that automatically scales to meet demand, ensuring high availability and reliability.
  • Monitoring and Analytics: Configure monitoring and analytics tools to track application performance, identify issues, and drive continuous improvement.
  • Private Network Setup: Ensure secure networking setup for Azure Synapse, including private network provisioning and establishing connections between on-prem and Azure Cloud networks.


  • Detailed Implementation Plan: Receive a comprehensive plan outlining the steps for provisioning Synapse infrastructure, setting up CI/CD pipelines, and promoting code.
  • Azure Synapse Infrastructure Provisioning: Establish dedicated Synapse infrastructure tailored to your organization's needs, ensuring data security and compliance.
  • Azure DevOps Integration: Benefit from expert configuration and setup of Azure DevOps Build and Release Pipelines to automate infrastructure deployment.
  • Monitoring and Analytics Configuration: Configure monitoring and analytics tools to track application performance and gather insights for continuous improvement.
  • Private Network Setup: Establish secure networking setup for Azure Synapse, including provisioning private networks and connecting on-premises networks to Azure Cloud.

Next Steps:

  • Performance Optimization: Conduct performance testing and optimization to ensure efficient application performance on Azure Synapse.
  • Continuous Improvement: Establish processes for continuous monitoring, analysis, and optimization of application performance and cost efficiency.