Governance Workshops using Purview


Elevate data governance with "Governance Workshops using Purview". Harness Azure Purview for data discovery, classification, and compliance management across use cases

Azure Purview Governance Workshops

Our Governance Workshops offer an interactive experience centered around Azure Purview, Azure's unified data governance service. These workshops are tailored to empower your organization with the knowledge and practical skills necessary to implement and manage an effective data governance strategy. Emphasizing real-world applications, we’ll cover data discovery, classification, lineage, and compliance monitoring to ensure that your data assets are well-governed, secure, and compliant with regulations.

Key Features:

  • Data Discovery & Cataloging: Techniques for automated data scanning and classification utilizing Azure Purview.
  • Policy Management & Compliance: Strategies to define and apply data governance policies and ensure regulatory compliance.
  • Data Lineage Visualization: Guidance on visualizing and understanding data movement across your systems.
  • End-to-end Security Practices: Best practices for securing and protecting sensitive data.
  • Interactive Learning: Hands-on sessions including case studies, live demos, and Q&A opportunities.


  • Workshop Materials: Comprehensive materials on Azure Purview and data governance strategies.
  • Data Discovery and Cataloging Guide: Step-by-step guide on data scanning and classification techniques.
  • Policy Management Documentation: Detailed documentation on defining and applying data governance policies.
  • Data Lineage Reports: Visual reports detailing data movement and transformations.
  • Security Best Practices: Guide on implementing best practices for securing sensitive data.

Next Steps:

  • Connect with our experts to book a workshop tailored to your organization's needs.
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your data governance strategy and implementation plans.

Discover how our Azure Purview Governance Workshops can transform your data governance practices. Connect with our experts to book a workshop and take the next step in ensuring your data assets are well-governed, secure, and compliant with regulations.