Migrate Oracle Cloud to Fabric


Modernize enterprise databases by migrating from Oracle Cloud to Microsoft Fabric. Enhance scalability and flexibility for modern application demands.

Comprehensive Migration from Oracle Cloud to Microsoft Fabric

Our solution offers a comprehensive strategy for transitioning critical data systems from Oracle Cloud databases to Microsoft Fabric—a convergence of Azure's most effective services, including Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Analytics, and Azure ML. This migration addresses the growing need for adaptable data structures and the agility to quickly respond to market changes, enabling organizations to take full advantage of Fabric's analytics, data management, and AI capabilities for innovative modern applications.

Key Features:

  • Scalable Data Architecture: Fabric's ability to handle fluctuating data loads makes it ideal for growth and adaptability.
  • Advanced Data Processing: Superior data processing capabilities using Azure's analytics and machine learning tools.
  • Real-time Data Analysis: Engage with real-time data analysis and visualization through Power BI integration.
  • Machine Learning Enablement: Azure ML facilitates the development and scaling of machine learning models.
  • Cost-Effective Operations: A focus on optimizing operational costs within the Fabric ecosystem.


  • Migrated Data Platform: A fully operational Microsoft Fabric environment with migrated Oracle Cloud data.
  • Data Processing Workflows: Configured workflows for advanced data processing using Azure tools.
  • Real-time Analytics Dashboards: Real-time data analysis and visualization dashboards created with Power BI.
  • Machine Learning Models: Implemented and scalable machine learning models using Azure ML.
  • Cost Optimization Report: Detailed report on operational cost optimizations within the Fabric ecosystem.

Next Steps:

  • Connect with our experts to learn more about migrating your cloud Oracle system.
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss your migration strategy and implementation plans.

Discover how our comprehensive migration solution can transform your data management and analytics capabilities. Connect with our experts to learn more about migrating your cloud Oracle system and take the next step in your digital transformation journey.
