Free Azure DevOps Maturity Workshop

Brickred Systems LLC

Get free expert analysis or hands-on training and advice on Azure DevOps culture and practices, tailored to your organization. We Help Organization Mature & Scale their Azure DevOps Programs

With Azure DevOps assessment, we will help you to identify your strengths, weaknesses and suggest next steps for your Azure DevOps journey. Our Azure DevOps Maturity Assessment Workshop helps organizations who have started their Azure DevOps journey or are planning to. This assessment identifies your current state of maturity & challenges spanning development, deployment and sustenance. As a result, you’ll get recommendations on the optimal DevOps state for the organization.


At the end of the Azure workshop you will a recommended roadmap is provided to give insights on the implementation order for the requirements. Following are some of the Deliverables of Azure DevOps Assessment:
  • Free Current State Report
  • Free Target State Report
  • Free Gap Analysis
  • Free Recommendations
  • Free Implementation Roadmap

Day 1: Identify Business Drivers

  • Interviews with key business stake holders to understand governance model and engineering practices.
  • Identify how the existing tools and technology landscape are integrated and how products are delivered.

Day 2: Understanding as is System

  • Analyze existing development model and technical architecture.
  • Create vision which is align to the organizational goals

Day 3: Gap Analysis

  • Audit and determine key bottlenecks in the application delivery lifecycle

Day 4: Roadmap and recommendations

  • We create a DevOps maturity profile, opportunities for improvements
  • Sketch out an adoption roadmap to help phase in DevOps approach
  • Day 5: Reports

    • Complete report including gap analysis, current maturity state, recommendation and implementation roadmap.