Computer Vision Proof of Value

Cegeka NV

Cegeka's Computer Vision Proof of Value offering provides a customized solution for your specific use case.

The goal of the Proof of Value is to demonstrate the capabilities and potential of computer vision technology for your organization and provide a starting point for a full-scale deployment. Therefore, we focus in this use case on fast delivery leveraging our standard framework computer vision pipeline. This fast delivery can be interpreted in two ways; we can offer quick insights into the potential performance of the computer-vision infused application before major investments are required, and we can make sure the model is deployed such that it can be used in day-to-day operation quickly, providing immediate value to your organization. The pilot provides a low-risk and cost-effective way to evaluate the feasibility and potential of computer vision technology for your specific use case and can serve as a foundation for a full-scale deployment.  

We not only develop and deploy the computer vision algorithm on the Azure cloud with 4/5G connectivity to the camera, but we can also provide the necessary hardware and deploy the model on an edge device. This end-to-end approach ensures that you receive a complete solution for your computer vision needs, regardless of your requirements and constraints.

For this, you can benefit from our expertise: Our team of AI and data engineering experts has a wealth of experience in helping businesses harness the power of AI. During the PoV, you will have the opportunity to benefit from their extensive expertise in all aspects of data science (Azure ML, Azure Databricks and Azure Cognitive Services) and data engineering and gain valuable insights into the world of AI. .  

Our approach: 

Our approach consists mainly of three phases. After these phases we will assess current performance, present possible improvements, etc. 

  • Use case definition (AI Ideation Workshop): We work side by side with you to clearly scope the problem and requirements for your computer vision solution. 

  • Model development: We design and develop a computer vision algorithm specifically for your use case, fully integrated in the public cloud. 

  • Deployment: We deploy the model on the cloud or an edge device, depending on your requirements and constraints such that it can be used in day-to-day operation. 

This approach translated in following rough timeline: 

  • Kickoff meeting: defining the scope, requirement, aspirations, etc. 

  • Data gathering and model design: 2-3 weeks 

  • Model development and deployment: 1-2 weeks 

  • Demo and presentation: 1 week 

  • Final report delivery: 1 week after presentation. 

The deliverables: 

  • A Computer Vision protype, deployed on the cloud or an edge device. 

  • A report documenting the design, development and validation of the computer vision model. Potential improvements and next steps are also included. 

  • A demo of the solution, showcasing its capabilities and performance. 

Pricing depends on complexity and duration of the project.