Cloud1 IIoT Platform Concept: 2-month Implementation

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A version of Cloud1 Data Hub setup specifically tailored to be used as an IIoT platform including a first IIoT source ingestion

We have worked extensively with our customers for multiple years and built multiple Azure platforms specialized on IIoT capabilities. Based on the cumulated knowledge we have now created a Data platform solution that includes all the capabilities that provides the most common crucial functions of enterprise level IIoT platform.

Benefits of our industry proven architecture solution

If your organization have or is planning to install IIoT sources and the next challenge is to get the data from those sources into use our solution is answer to that. Common problems with IIoT data usage are security, upfront investment, lack of standards, lack of skilled workers and liability of current technologies.

Azure IoT services tackles many of these problems like upfront investment, lack of standards, lack of skilled workers and security. Services used in the reference architecture are stable and secure as well as well-known by vast number of developers. On top of this we provide many out of the box capabilities as part of the solution.

Azure IoT Services to handle secure connectivity and standards. Azure IoT Hub and Event Hub are used as data streaming and buffering services and they provide secure way to connect your source devices and systems into the cloud. Logic App Standard with API management provides push and pull interfaces for API based sources. These SaaS-solutions are rapidly growing as IIoT sources, and the platform needs to be ready for them.

Azure Functions and Databricks are used as processing services, with Azure Data Lake and Delta Tables data is stored efficiently and it is easy to access. Solution provides industry proofed architecture and processing templates that can be utilized just by configuration to most basic use cases like raw ingestion, data aggregations and real time analysis streaming.

Power Apps and Azure SQL Database provides the base for your stream metadata handling. Solution includes metadata model example structure that is combination of the cumulated knowledge of use cases we have seen. It is also easily modified for any special needs.

Power BI provides direct analytics capabilities, and we provide reporting template that create strong base for self-service reporting.

The reference architecture is fully compatible with Cloud1 Data Hub architecture which provides even more possibilities. This ensures that platform is adjustable and expandable to both integration and data platform capabilities. So, you don't have to worry about extensive development costs when the need arises to combine other sources with your IIoT data.

And as with all our platform solutions we use Infrastructure as Code, and everything is fully version controlled. This ensures that modification in service setup and configurations are always tested and verifiable from code. Version controlled development with Azure DevOps pipelines provides fast development and deployment cycles. Meaning that you have a system where changes are stable and time to market can be measured in days rather than in months.

Using Cloud1 Development model with Infrastructure as Code and CI/CD pipelines:

  • Out of the box initial architecture setup
  • Architecture infrastructure with pure code first approach
  • Automated configuration and implementation deployments

Very high amount of general code base provides standardized capabilities for:

  • Data storing
  • Tag registration
  • Hourly aggregations
  • Steered real time streaming
  • Data change and silence monitoring

Easily adaptable capabilities include:

  • Flexible metadata structures for enhancements
  • Data serve API’s
  • Data analysis models
  • Data quality monitoring

Cloud1 IIoT Platform implementation as a project provides:

  • Full IIoT Platform with one ingested IIoT source
  • Meta data enchancement capabilities
  • Raw data serve API implementation
  • Data analysis templates
  • A platform that is fully ready for additional IoT sources
Platform utilizes the following Azure services: IotHub, EventHub, API Management, Azure Functions, Logic App Standard, Data Lake Gen2, Azure Databricks, Azure SQL Database, Power Apps, Power BI, Key Vault, Log Analytics, Azure DevOps

We provide project management and Azure data experts to define and implement the solution. Also, we provide analytics consultancy, so you can utilize the data ingested from the selected IIoT source.