Chatbot oriented for disabled people: 1-Wk Impl.

Consultores e Ingenieros Consein CA

Bot created with Artificial Intelligence, with Attention and inclusion of people with reduced vision

YOSI an Azure-based solution that provides a virtual assistant that provides help, 24/7/365 support, and immediate response to users outside the organization, in this message aimed at including those with diminished visión

YOSI created with Artificial Intelligence, Bot, and now oriented to the attention and inclusion of people with reduced vision and multilanguage capacity

YOSI it is able to automate repetitive processes of the organization, thus freeing up the workload of man hours and, likewise, providing a continuous service 24/7/365. Minimizes customer response times, because it's an online and immediate service.

YOSI uses the cognitive services of Azure Speech and Microsoft Translator, acquired capabilities to provide care to excluded people: with reduced vision or non-Spanish speakers.