Oracle Workload Migration: 5 Day Assessment

Data Intensity

Data Intensity's, Oracle to Azure discovery assessment to provide you with an insight into your options with planning to migrate your Oracle workloads to Azure.

Many customers have either begun their Azure adoption or are in the planning phase, however what they do with their existing Oracle infrastructure is causing delay and, in some cases, holding up full Datacentre exits. Consuming budget whilst the rest of business drives for transformation and change.

Concerns such as:

• Lack of performance and capability • Licencing Compliance and Support
• Complex Oracle Integrations • Specific Oracle Functionality not available in the Public cloud

Are all reasons businesses state, that are inhibiting them moving their Oracle environment.

Data Intensity’s Azure Safe Switch Methodology has been adopted with years of best practice Oracle Knowledge and cutting-edge Azure architectural capabilities. This methodology has been developed in conjunction with Microsoft’s cloud migration framework and provides organsations with a guided approach for success, whether it be a rapid rehosting (lift and shifts), Replatforming to reduce Oracle complexities (RAC etc) or Refactoring to opensource.

On completion of the discovery, the deliverable's to the customer will be::<

High Level Migration Plan Azure Architectural Overview (Topology) Go Forward Oracle Licence Position Total Cost of Ownership (including migration, subscription & ongoing support costs) Overview of Identified savings to assist with any internal business cases.