Celonis Discover BPM Implementation 4wks

diconium digital solutions GmbH

Entry into Business Process Excellence to identify data, establish dashboards and redefine.

This assessment is all about your business processes and the continuous learning to excel those to more efficiency. Based on the Celonis C4C package, we are enabling your workforce for process excellence. This package solely runs on Microsoft Azure as Application Deployment and Backend. Azure secures your data with AzureAD and further security features - all ready setup from diconium for you with years of experience and best practices for your industry.

Week #1: Goal-Setting Workshop & Project Initiation
- Discussing current management initiatives and processs pain points
- Identify relevant key stakeholders and decision makers
- Define crucial strategic goals and success criteria
- Choose 1 process for value assessment and describe it in as much detail as possible
- Technical-Setup call
- Data-Setup call

Week #2: Data Collection & First Glance
- Set up continuous data connection to Celonis Cloud System
- Initial data transformation and dashboarding
- First Glance into Process Analysis and User Training
- Schedule workshops and meetings for the on-site week
- Choose 3-5 key transformation metrics for detailed analyses and performance acceleration

Week #3: Analysis Extension & Data Refinement
- Correct obvious data and analysis errors
- If necessary, expand analyses and the associated data

Week #4: On-Site Week
- Discovery Workshop: Discover & validate root-causes
- Enhancement Workshop: Action Engine Skills and Workflows for Process Enhancement
- Monitoring Workshop: Calculate Business Impact
- Operating Model Workshop: Discuss Operating Model and Responsibilities
- Rollout: Discuss possible Rollout concept and scale-out plan

If you have any further question, do not hesitate to ask our IT Consultants and get in contact.
