Data Analytics & AI Stack: 3-Wk Implementation

EBCONT operations GmbH

Data platform, analytics &AI Services: Using Microsoft’s cutting edge cloud platform, EBCONT is able to cut time-to-market costs of data solutions and ensures a secure, cost-effective solution


Many companies struggle to take data-driven decisions or deliver new digital products due to the complexity of their legacy IT and lack of unified data access. Being unable to properly deploy AI technology, they miss out on an increasing competitive advantage.

Ideal Solution:

  • Using state-of-the-art cloud services, we integrate data across applications to create a real-time data hub that enables instant analytics and rapid deployment of new digital products. For our customers we leverage cloud-native functions, AI and data warehousing capabilities.

Desired Outcomes:

  • Data-driven business and decisions in real time
  • Actionable reports
  • New revenue from new products and insights
  • Create a single point of truth in your data
  • Reduced operational cost and complexity
  • Take down barriers to becoming AI-ready

EBCONT + Azure SQL Database :

The fastest way to modernize your database and benefit from everything the cloud has to offer. Our customers benefit from huge gains in reliability at a fraction of the operational complexity.

EBCONT + Azure Data Lake & CosmosDB:

Using combinations of Data Lake, HDInsight, and a NoSQL DB for fastest possible latency EBCONT helps build a scalable, future-proof data hub to serve analytics needs, provide 360° views of customers, and deliver data for new digital products and solutions.

EBCONT + Azure Machine Learning:

With Azure Machine Learning and Databricks, new models can be trained on your cloud data without the limitations of on-premise computing and without tedious ETL to retrieve your data from legacy systems. Benefit from a variety of AI tools, now!

Further information and workflow details can be found in the documents below